
With the energy transition, the share of distributed renewable energy resources, whose production is highly variable, is increasing in the grid. As reinforcements are not always desirable (costly), relying solely on preventive security might strongly limit the grid flexibility, thus leading to non-optimal operations. Corrective security appears as an attractive alternative, but it introduces new failure modes as corrective actions have to be performed timely and reliably. An application of corrective security is the use of System Integrity Protection Schemes (SIPSs). The SIPS considered in this work consist in (i) Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) that perform local measurement of electrical values with a sampling rate of 25-120Hz (ii) a Control Centre (CC) that estimates the state of the system from the measures of the PMUs and automatically takes necessary corrective actions (iii) a communication infrastructure that links the PMUs to the CC. This paper studies the impact of imperfect communications on power systems equipped with this kind of SIPS.

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author = {Sabot, Frédéric and Henneaux, Pierre and Labeau, Pierre-Etienne and Dricot, Jean-Michel},
booktitle={23ème congrès de Maîtrise des risques et de Sûreté de Fonctionnement (Lambda Mu 23)},
year = {2022},
month = 10,
address = {Paris Saclay, France},
title = {Impact of the reliability of {ICT} systems on power systems with system integrity protection schemes},
url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03876439}

Supplementary data

Roy Billinton test system